Through organizational support, we expect to see our state improve educational outcomes, build sustainable economic development and assure a better quality of life for all citizens.
Member organizations agree to:
Anschutz Foundation |
Avedis Foundation |
Bethesda, Inc. Center on Child Abuse and Neglect |
Central Oklahoma Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy |
Child Advocacy Centers of Oklahoma |
Community Service Council |
Crosstown Learning Center, Tulsa |
George Kaiser Family Foundation |
Greater Oklahoma City Chamber |
Green Shoe Foundation |
Health Alliance for the Uninsured |
Healthy Minds Policy Institute |
Healthy Steps |
Inasmuch Foundation |
Jubilee Partners, OKC |
Latino Community Development Agency |
McLaughlin Foundation |
Mental Health Association of Oklahoma |
OKC-Society of Human Resource Management |
Oklahoma Business Roundtable |
Oklahoma Center for Community Justice |
Oklahoma Center for Healthcare Improvements |
Oklahoma Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatricians |
Oklahoma Charitable Clinic Association |
Oklahoma Child Care Association |
Oklahoma Child Care Resource and Referral |
Oklahoma City Interfaith Alliance |
Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth |
Oklahoma Conference of Churches |
Oklahoma Department of Health |
Oklahoma Department of Human Services |
Oklahoma Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services |
Oklahoma Educational Television Authority |
Oklahoma Guardian Ad Litem Institute |
Oklahoma Head Start Coalition |
Oklahoma Health Care Authority |
Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy |
Oklahoma Lawyers for Children |
Oklahoma Partnership for Expanded Learning |
Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness |
Oklahoma Policy Institute |
Oklahoma Primary Care Association |
Oklahoma Public School Resource Center |
Oklahoma State School Boards Association |
Oklahoma Women’s Coalition |
Parent Child Center of Tulsa |
Pivot, Inc. |
Potts Family Foundation |
Public Health Institute of Oklahoma |
Rainbow Fleet |
Reach Out and Read |
Sarkeys Foundation |
Schusterman Foundation |
Smart Start Central Oklahoma |
State Department of Education |
Sunbeam Family Services |
The CARE Center |
The Foundation for Oklahoma City Public Schools |
The Lynn Institute |
The Oklahoma Academy |
The Oklahoman |
The State Chamber |
Tulsa Lawyers for Children |
Tulsa World |
Tulsa Regional Chamber |
United Way of Central Oklahoma |
United Way of Enid & Northwest Oklahoma |
United Way of Southwest Oklahoma |
Urban League of Greater Oklahoma City |
Woven Life Oklahoma |
They do this through bill sponsorship, voting on behalf of the well-being of Oklahoma children and their families and by notifying us regarding pending legislation that will have either a positive or negative impact.In return for their willingness to serve as a member of the Oklahoma Early Childhood Coalition Legislative Caucus we support them in their advocacy role by:
Rep. Rhonda Baker
Rep. Merleyn Bell
Rep. Meloyde Blancett
Rep. Carol Bush
Rep. Sherrie Conley
Rep. Sheila Dills
Rep. Andy Fugate
Rep. Kyle Hilbert
Rep. Brian Hill
Rep. Mark Lawson
Rep. Mark Lepak
Rep. Marcus McEntire
Rep. Nicole Miller
Rep. Gary Mize
Rep. Cyndi Munson
Rep. Monroe Nichols
Rep. Jadine Nollan
Rep. Daniel Pae
Rep. Ajay Pittman
Rep. Melissa Provenzano
Rep. Trish Ranson
Rep. Cynthia Roe
Rep. Jacob Rosecrants
Rep. Todd Russ
Rep. John Talley *
Rep. Emily Virgin
Rep. John Waldron *
Rep. Collin Walke
Rep. Tammy West
Sen. Mary Boren
Sen. Michael Brooks
Sen. JJ Dossett
Sen. Jo Anna Dossett
Sen. Kay Floyd
Sen. John Haste
Sen. Carri Hicks *
Sen. Chris Kidd
Sen. Julia Kirt
Sen. John Michael Montgomery
Sen. Adam Pugh
Sen. Brenda Stanley *
Sen. Roger Thompson
Sen. George Young
*Denotes Co- Chairs