Our Mission

We provide support for sustainable early childhood initiatives and nonprofit capacity building.

Dual Mission

The Potts Family Foundation is dual missioned.

We accomplish our mission by investing our time, talent and treasure in results-based initiatives through education, advocacy, and collaboration.

Increase the effectiveness of nonprofits in improving their communities.

We do so through The Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits (OKCNP). Visit their site to learn more about their work.

Greater investment in resources on early childhood (pre-birth through five).

We invest both people and dollar resources through the OK25by25 statewide initiative – a collaboration of businesses, nonprofits, state agencies, legislators and foundations working to raise the well-being of Oklahoma’s children.

About Potts Family Foundation

Our vision is to ensure all Oklahomans have the opportunity to achieve their full potential.

Pat Kathy and Paige

Who are we?

We are a family foundation organized as a private foundation. Our board consists of three generations of family members and a majority of community leaders from across the state.

What do we do?

We support the early childhood development and wellbeing of children pre-birth to five by supporting those programs and services that offer proven solutions. Our support for the leadership and management of the Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits (OKCNP) helps build the capacity of nonprofits across the state.

Potts meeting

Early Love of Learning

We believe it is critical to focus greater efforts on vocabulary expansion, literacy, mathematics, and emotional and social skills in the earliest years of a child’s life.

Parents as First Teachers

We believe that a two-generation approach to family support is the best way to empower both children and their parents to lead productive and successful lives.

An Early Healthy Start

We believe that ensuring affordable access to brain/mental health and physical health care for all children is vital to a productive and prosperous society.

High Quality Child Care

We believe that public-private financial support for quality child care benefits businesses, families and the economy.

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Request for Proposal

Communications/PR Project Management Services: Oklahoma’s Recovery Plan for Infants & Toddlers: Protecting the Future of Oklahoma’s Workforce and Economy

(Funded in part by the American Rescue Plan Act through the Potts Family Foundation, FAIN: SLFRP4646, ALN: 21.027)

Due Dates:

Questions: Monday, June 10, 2024, by 5 p.m.

RFPs Due: Monday, June 17, 2024, by 5 p.m.