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Recommended Websites

Alliance for Early Success

The Alliance for Early Success is a catalyst for bringing state, national, and funding partners together to improve state policies for children, starting at birth and continuing through age eight.

Child Development Institute

The goal of our website is to promote healthy development to enable children to reach their true potential for a successful and rewarding life.

Center on the Developing Child

The Center on the Developing Child’s diverse activities align around building an R&D (research and development) platform for science-based innovation and transforming the policy and practice landscape that supports and even demands change.

Child Trends

Child Trends improves the lives and prospects of children and youth by conducting high-quality research and sharing the resulting knowledge with practitioners and policymakers.

The Heckman Equation

Anyone looking for upstream solutions to the biggest problems facing America should look to Nobel Prize-winning University of Chicago Economics Professor James Heckman’s work to understand the great gains to be had by investing in the early and equal development of human potential.

High/Scope Educational Research Foundation

The High/Scope Foundation offers research, training, curriculum development, assessment materials, and more for early childhood educators. Explore early learning and language strategies and techniques on this site.

Mind in the Making

By Families and Work Institute. Tips in English and Spanish for turning behavioral challenges into new executive function skills.

The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

Offers information on early childhood education and development and more. Join NAEYCin their commitment to improving the quality of educational and developmental services for all children from birth to age eight.

National Association for Family Child Care

Offers support for family child care providers, including accreditation and online training, and help for parents in finding high-quality child care for their young children.

The National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies

What is the state of child care in our country? What is the highest ranked state child care center? What can child care resource and referral agencies do for parents looking for quality child care centers in their community? The NACCRRA website provides answers to these questions and more.

National Institute For Early Education Research

Learn about the status of early education,  the latest research in the field, legislation, and standards and policies.

Oklahoma Early Learning Guidelines for Infants, Toddlers and Twos – Ages Birth through 36 months

Provides a broad view of the child development continuum and widely accepted best practices for each age group.

Oklahoma Early Learning Guidelines for Children – Ages Three through Five

Provides guidance to teachers and parents with regard to what children should know and be able to do in order to experience school success.

Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness

Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness (OPSR) is Oklahoma’s statewide early childhood initiative and serves as the state’s Early Childhood Advisory Council. OPSR seeks to provide better opportunities for the children and families in our state. Our mission is to lead Oklahoma in coordinating an early childhood system focused on strengthening families and school readiness for all children.

Prenatal-to-3 Policy Impact Center

The Prenatal-to-3 Policy Impact Center translates the science of the developing child into the most effective policy actions and public investments for states.

Read Aloud 15 Minutes

Resources and materials in English and Spanish for parents and guardians to encourage reading.

Ready Nation

Council for a Strong America is a national, bipartisan nonprofit that unites five organizations comprised of law enforcement leaders, retired admirals and generals, business executives, pastors, and prominent coaches and athletes who promote solutions that ensure our next generation of Americans will be citizen-ready.

Hunt Institute Early Childhood Engagement

The Hunt Institute brings together people and resources to inspire and inform elected officials and policymakers about key issues in education, resulting in visionary leaders who are prepared to take strategic action for greater educational outcomes and student success.

Too Small to Fail

Tips for parents on simple activities to nurture young children.

Urban Child Institute

The Urban Child Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the health of the Mid-South population, particularly children. We pursue this goal through innovative initiatives focusing primarily on prevention and wellness, as well as associated educational and scientific research activities.

Zero To Three

Zero To Three works to ensure that babies and toddlers benefit from the early connections that are critical to their well-being and development.