CAP Tulsa operates a high-quality early childhood education program serving nearly 1,700 children at 10 preschools through a home visiting option. CAP Tulsa’s preschool program is the entry point for access to an array of support services to parents of enrolled children including English language instruction, parenting skills education, behavioral health services, emergency assistance including housing stabilization and family engagement activities.
Funds from this grant will help support the CAP Connect Alumni Services program, a pilot program that is being incorporated into CAP Tulsa’s services for families with young children. As children leave CAP Tulsa’s early childhood program and move into elementary school, families have expressed a need for additional support and guidance during this process. In particular, families with a child who has a diagnosed or suspected disability, and/or families whose primary language is not English may need assistance navigating the transition to public schools. The alumni program will help alumni families with four-year-olds who attended CAP’s early childhood program successfully transition to kindergarten in local elementary schools.
The Alumni Specialist will provide appropriate resources and community referrals to help families navigate the transition to public school and arrange for continued access to supportive services, if needed.