The Potts Family Foundation is passionate about improving the condition of Oklahoma’s future workforce: Oklahoma’s children. We continue to be concerned that, despite a previously growing economy in recent years, conditions for children in many areas have actually worsened.
While all children and their families benefit from early and proven investments in character and cognitive developmental programs, we know, as economic studies have proven, that children in lower socio-economic households benefit the most; rates of return for children from these economic backgrounds can be in the double digits. Sadly, Oklahoma has a relatively high percentage of children living in poverty (24%) and a high percentage of our low-income children not living in a two parent household (63%). Families who live in poverty face many obstacles to being able to provide safe, stable, and nurturing environments.
Our collective response to these trends is to create a nonpartisan coalition of impassioned organizations that are focused on the critically important issues that can help eliminate the conditions that are impairing our young children from becoming a successful workforce. We have neuroscientists on our side; we have Nobel Prize-winning economists on our side; we have evidence-based research spanning decades on our side, and now we need YOU on our side! We are committed to accelerated investments in four key areas that can make a huge difference in the future of Oklahoma children, both short-term and long-term. Our immediate emphasis will be in the following areas: